Ghana’s Agriculture Navigating Climate Change

Ghana’s Agriculture Navigating Climate Change Agriculture forms the backbone of Ghana’s economy, with around 50 % of its GDP relying on this vital sector. However, the majority of Ghanaian farmers—80 %—are engaged in small-scale rainfed farming, where success hinges on their ability to align farming decisions with ever-changing weather conditions. Ghana’s heavy reliance on rainfed […]

The growing threat to Zimbabwe’s food security

The growing threat to Zimbabwe’s food security Zimbabwe’s economy heavily depends on agriculture, which contributes about 30 % to its Gross Domestic Product. The country’s food production, especially among small-scale rainfed farmers who make up 70 – 8 0% of the farming population, is significantly affected by climate change. This article explores the multifaceted impact […]

Driving Innovation in Climate Services

Driving Innovation in Climate Services Recap of the SAFE4ALL Africa Project’s First General Assembly From the 13th to the 15th of March, marked a significant milestone as the SAFE4ALL Africa project kicked off with its first General Assembly held at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. This initiative, funded by the Horizon Europe Framework […]